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How to Relieve Newborn Colic?

Colic can be a challenging experience for both babies

as for their parents. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution,

Throughout these more than 10 years in contact with babies daily (several

hours a day), there are some techniques that can help relieve discomfort and

make your baby feel more comfortable.

• One of the techniques (more than a technique it is an attitude) is

try to be as calm as possible because your emotional state is

transmits more to the baby than we might think; Therefore, it is key that

In those moments of crying, desperate of the baby, I held him in my arms, the

dad is calmer in those moments.

• Another technique is the use of a pilates ball. Yeah! Surely it

you have heard. It happened to us that we had heard it ago

many years but we didn't believe it until we started trying it. He

Gentle movement and rocking with the ball can help calm your

baby and relieve colic. To try this method, hold your baby in your

arms, face down, sit on the ball and bounce gently taking advantage of the

elastic force of the ball. This movement can help release the

trapped gases and provide relief from your baby's discomfort.

• Gas can be a source of discomfort for your baby, but

There are some things you can do to help him feel more comfortable.

A simple but effective technique is to change your baby's positions with

frequently while you hold him in your arms. Try placing your baby on his/her mouth

up, face down, sideways and in different positions to help release

gases trapped in your digestive system. The change of posture can

help move gases through the digestive tract and relieve discomfort

your baby.

• Remember that each baby is unique, so it may take time

find the position that works best for your little one but in 95% of

In most cases, face down is the position that works best.



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